BH7 Trading District Constitution


The name of the Organisation shall be THE BH7 TRADING DISTRICT

The BH7 Trading District is a ‘Branch or Trade Section’ of Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commmerce(BCTC). This constitution is written so that BH7 Trading District work within what is stated in the Rules and Constitution of BCTC.

The aim of the BH7 Trading District is to promote, enhance and support the interests of member businesses and cultural activities within the BH7 trading district.

We will liaise with Bournemouth/Christchurch/Poole (BCP) Council, statutory services, voluntary organisations, and organisations supportive of general trading interests for the benefit of its members.

Our objectives are to encourage more customers to visit the area and use the businesses. It was created to bring together like-minded businesses and people within the trading district and to benefit from funding being offered to regenerate the area after the Covid pandemic. We will remain independent from BCP Council’s activities whilst acknowledging their support in setting up the group.


The name of this organisation shall be THE BH 7 TRADING DISTRICT.


Our purpose is to promote all member businesses and cultural activities within the BH7 Trading district from Boscombe to Iford and to encourage greater footfall and engagement with existing and new customers.


111.1Full Membership, which confers voting rights, is in cooperation with Bournemouth Chamber of Trade and Commerce and members must join the BCTC so that we, THE BH7 TRADING DISTRICT, benefit from a refund per member that goes into the pot allocated for promotional activities and shall be open to all businesses trading in the BH7 Trading District and the surrounding area at the discretion of the Officers.

111.2Every member shall have one vote.

111.3Associate Membership is a non-voting member.

111.4DUES: Full Membership is £75 per annum payable to BCTC with £30 refund coming to BH7 Trading District

Associate membership is £30 per annum payable to BH7 Trading District.

111.5 Members must actively seek to represent the various needs of the area and must not discriminate on the grounds of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, gender, disability or health, sensory or speech impairment, age, sexual orientation, religion, political party or marital status.



Section1: OFFICERS



Chair-Sets the pace in getting the work done. Is non-partisan. Encourages cooperation amongst members. Determine, with aid of other officers, the objectives, meetings and action plans of the group.

Vice Chair-To work closely with the Chair to ensure smooth transition should it be necessary to take over the role. Assist the Chair. Gather ideas from members.

Treasurer-Obtain and maintain BH7 Trading District Bank Account.

Maintain a simple set of books and record keeping. Prepare requisitions for prompt payment of all invoices, deposit monies collected and use correct accounting procedures. Pay out funds on orders signed by the Chair and the Treasurer. Make reports to meetings as required.

Keep and manage records of membership

Section 11: Elections will be by a show of hands at the AGM of Full Members.

Any other appointments can be authorised by the agreement of the Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer

Section 111: Term of Office is for one calendar year

Section 1V: Powers-The elected Officers have the power to distribute funds and funding for suitable projects to promote the BH7 TRADING DISTRICT

Section V: Governing Rules


MEETINGS: The Committee shall aim to meet on a monthly basis with THE BH7 TRADING DISTRICT members but no less that 6 times a year.

Sub Committee of Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer monthly or as required.


The officers may appoint other co-opted officers as required who will only qualify for a vote if they are a paid up Full Member.


The Officers are authorised to meet outside of committee meetings in relation to Operational business.

V.3 All proposals shall be voted upon following open discussion. A show of hands or a secret ballot, indicating a majority, shall determine the outcome. The Chair has  a casting vote in the event of a tie.


QUORUM – A quorum will be 5 and decisions taken on a majority vote.


Can be called by the Chair, Vice Chair or Treasurer with a minimum of one week notice. The meeting will be conducted using standard format and an agenda. Minutes will be taken.


Will be taken at all meetings

Distribution will be via the Cloud which is available to all members.



V11.1 Fiscal Year – April 22nd  2022-April 21st 2023

V11.2 Records will be kept using Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

V11.3 Expenditure

All monies raised by or on behalf of the Organisation is to be used only to further the aims of the Organisation.

V11.4 A bank account will be held in the name of the Organisation.

V11.5 Cheque signatories will be those appointed to the office of Chair and Treasurer. Another signatory can be appointed by the officers which will require agreement by the committee by a simple majority. There shall be no more than 4 signatories in total at any one time.

V11.6 All cheques and instructions to BH7 Trading District bankers shall require two of the agreed signatures.

V11.7 Expenditure shall be on Flyers, Posters and other promotional material,

Web Site construction/Operation

Purchase of necessary domains.

Any other expenditure authorised by managing committee.

V11.8 The treasurer shall present annual financial reports at the AGM.

V11.9 The organisation shall not lend money to members.



BCTC appointed advisors will be welcomed for their input.



These shall take place at the AGM with a majority of 51% of attendees to confirm appointments.


Annual General Meeting

X.1. There shall be an Annual Genera Meeting held every 12 months at which the officers will report on the work of the committee, present a statement of accounts then resign.

X.2. The AGM shall elect new Officers, vote on recommendations and any amendments to the constitution.

X.3. The Chair will notify all members of the date of the AGM, in writing via e-mail not less than 21 days prior to the AGM enclosing a copy of the agenda.


Other General Meetings

X1.1 A special or extraordinary general meeting open to all members will be held if 5 or more members submit in writing a request for such a meeting to take place to the Chair. The Chair shall arrange for the meeting to be held within 14 days.

X1.2 The chair will publicise all general meetings at least 7 days in advance.



X11.1 The constitution can only be altered at an AGM or EGM.

X11.2 Any proposed changes to the constitution must be handed to the Chair at least 14 days prior to the AGM

X11.3 Changes to the constitution must be agreed by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting.

X11.4 None of the aims of the organisation may be deleted.



X111.1 The Organisation may only be dissolved at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose and must be advertised to all members at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

X111.2 A proposal to dissolve the Organisation shall only be accepted if signed by two thirds of the members. The decision shall be agreed by a simple majority of eligible voters present.

X111.3 In the event of the Organisation winding up, all proceeds will be given to a local charity nominated by the then Mayor of Bournemouth.

X111.4 No members of the Organisation shall receive any benefit in cash or kind from any disposal of the Organisation’s assets.


Standing Order

Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner at meetings or in the premises used by the Organisation and may be excluded if the contravene the objectives of the Organisation. This will be done my a majority of those present and voting at any committee or general meeting.

X1V.1 Any members may make a proposal. In order for it to be voted on by other members it must be seconded by another member.

X1V.2 Members may appoint another member to vote by proxy on their behalf at a meeting so long as the member informs the committee by writing no less than 24 hours prior to each meeting informing them of who they have given the authority to, to vote on their behalf. Members may represent no more than one proxy vote at a meeting.

X1V.3 The Chair shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie.